I decided to be a physicist when I was eight, because I had a lot of questions. That decision was cemented in high school, because lasers are awesome.

When starting my BSc, I added computer science pretty much on a whim, and I was hooked. I started out as a physicist and programmer, and gradually became a programmer for physicists and now I program for neurobiologists at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

I love programming and seeing my code actually work (totally awesome). I like programming in different languages and understanding the subtle differences between them. Things that I think are cool (and that I have time to write up) I publish here :)

You can check out my Gitlab page: https://gitlab.com/dsavir and GitHub: https://github.com/danielle-h. My projects include code for my articles here on Medium, as well as code for my abstract videos, also available on YouTube.`More cool things on my Jekyll site: https://danielle-honig.com/.

Medium member since June 2023
Danielle H

Danielle H

Physicist turned programmer, exploring many languages to build projects from neurobiology tools to abstract videos.